A letter to my Beloved! by Damion Sharpe
My Beloved, I saw you first in a vision You were as strong as the wind and soft as sun soaked rose petals I tried to see you and put form to your beauty To locate you in one place one thing one person But as my very eager hands would gesture to where you...
Question: Are there soul mates?
Question: Are there soul mates or is this another illusory attachment of the un-awakened? The concept of soul mates has taken many forms in my experience of seeing it through stories, films, literature, metaphysical/spiritual discussions, and various Short...
Eolaus~Music by Damion Sharpe words by James Allen
Let the words and music move you through to a place of soul freedom and expansion! Thanks Damion Sharpe
Create your own treasure map! Manifest your dreams!
Buid your Treasure Map! Fun steps to creating your own treasure map. Damion Sharpe here to say your dreams are possible. Envision, Believe, and Take Action to create all your dreams! Thanks be it to you, oh great dreamer! Peace Damion Sharpe
New Music Video, by Damion Sharpe
New Album Invitation by Damion Sharpe
New album Invitation by Damion Sharpe done soon! Which Album cover do you like most?
3 Steps To Creating And Changing Your World
The 3 steps to Creating and Changing the World Around You! The Alchemist Way. !Belief, Attitude, and Action! The world around you is constantly inviting you to dance in the power of creation with all its forms, elements, and energies. As you look...
3 Steps to Creating the Good Life! Powerful releasing the old and creating aNew breathing exercise and fun video!
Powerful Releasing Exercise! Also: WATCH THE NEW VIDEO below FROM TRINIDAD, CA! Though you may say this Video is silly, well it is! Its about the Value of letting yourself be free and trusting your instincts! The fear that can arise...
Step Into The Magic Vlog3
WATCH THE NEW VIDEO FROM THE TRINITY RIVER! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
Poems of Peace
~Poems of Peace~ By Damion Sharpe The Monkey By Damion Sharpe I was young when I first adopted my monkey He was fun and playful with many spins on the ways of the world He loved to be on my shoulders and as I grew he did too! Oh but the...
The Power of Congruency
The Power of Congruency By Damion Sharpe 7 steps to creating integrity, peace, and freedom through the power of congruency. Tapping into your Body intelligence and awareness. Using sound and movement as a tool. Expressing what’s within. The art of living in...
Discovering Your Genius!
Discovering Your Genius! ~Insights, clues, questions, and exploration into your genius~ By Damion Sharpe How can you organize your energy and actions to match what your heart wants to manifest in the world? What is your legacy you want to leave and weave into...
Poetry~ The Great Muse
~The Great Muse~ By Damion Sharpe The fire burns what is ready for release to ash Ash moistened by the waters Seeps to the soil Nourishing the rebirth The evolution of life and spirit Feel her grace in the mist of the moon Feel her grace in the sweet air...
Living From The Overflow
Living From The Overflow By Damion Sharpe Every breath is an invitation: To live from your wholeness To be with what is To release To embrace Life Over the last 5+ years I have been experiencing a feeling I can best describe as, living from the overflow....
Poetry: By Damion Sharpe ~Earth and Sky~ I see you in the clouds I see you in the earth Your dance is the beating of my heart I feel you in each breath I feel you meeting me In every moment inviting me to connect within I sit at...
To Begin Again
~To Begin Again~ By Damion Sharpe Following winters call- To go within As the nightfall and coolness of the air invites us to seek warmth To nourish and build from within our foundation of presence and love. streaming film A Dog's...